Monday, August 25, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Head for the hills!


  1. ehk... Monday again, it's always in such a hurry to return...

  2. I'm Goldilocks today as I've now changed three times. The first pair of pants were too low, the second too high and the third pair just right.
    Another hot week but temps in the 80's by Friday. But, back to 97 on Labor Day. The only thing getting me through is knowing in a few weeks it will be over.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. Most mornings are that way for me, OKIE. My bed is usually full of rejected clothes by the time I feel comfortable. As George Costanza said, the many shades of kk...

  4. moving slow this Monday, toooo many nightmares last night

  5. I cleaned the whole apartment yesterday, because management said techs were coming to put in new shower heads and light bulbs in our apartments.

    I'm so damn sore...

  6. Oh, I had a doctor appt today for regular checkup. I've had this redness on my forehead for awhile. He said it's a pre-cacerous condition and made an appt with a dermatologist to freeze them off. The appt is in December. I said, "I'll just stick my head in the snow and freeze them off myself." Nobody laughed.

  7. I thought it was funny Orbs. But you still have to go to the Doctor in December.
