Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Oh no!


  1. this whole week is messing with my mind, off tomorrow, I don't think I've ever been off on a Thursday before... so I'll be really messed up Friday and Saturday!
    what day is it again?? why do I feel I should ask a camel?

  2. Morning all. Back on my bike today! Hotter than anything down here, but a five mile ride shouldn't do me in! Pedal, pedal, pedal!

  3. Oh, I've been there, sheriff!

    Goooo, Beejay! Just be careful for those Florida drivers!

  4. Apparently I did not completely close my wine spout last night and when I got water around 1:00 a.m. there was wine everywhere. I closed it tight, wiped some of it off and finished cleaning a little while ago. God knows how much wine I lost. The injustice!

    Have a great day Irregulars. I'm taking the dog to Pets Mart. Last time we were there he pooped in every aisle. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

  5. OKIE - your pooch is just a little confused, it's PETCO, where all the pets "go", silly doggie!

  6. Cleanup, aisle 1, 2, 3... lol. Your pooch was probably just do excited he probably just couldn't hold it in.

  7. Love the Comments. He did good today and we did make it out poop free. It was a good day.
