Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wildflowers Pt 10!

I just can't believe that the fall is coming already and all the wildflowers will be gone soon. I don't know if it is me or not it just seems that the Summer has gone by quick. I am still going out there and looking for some wildflowers that I may have missed or some new wildflowers that I have never seen before. I do have a couple of new ones for everyone this week. Here are some pictures I would like to share with everyone:

This is a Yellow Crown Imperial the picture was taken on the corner by Colonial Park in Racine Wi. I took this picture back in May and just found out what it was with the help of friends on Flickr'. They do come in different colors too. Below will be a Orange Crown Imperial.

                    I just thought they are so different and I too a picture of them to share with you.

This is a Hollow Joe-Pye Weed with a Monarch Butterfly this picture was taken at Chiwaukee Prairie in Pleasant Prairie Wi.

           This is a Cardinal Flower the picture was taken at Chiwaukee Prairie in Pleasant Prairie Wi.

              This is a March Violet the picture was taken at Grant Park in South Milwaukee Wi.

   This is a Wood Rose the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi.

This is a Yellow Columbine the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi.

                This is a Cornflower the picture was taken at Whitewater College in Whitewater Wi

              This is a Wood Poppy the picture was taken at Whitewater College in Whitewater Wi.

This is a Milk Thistle the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area in Brighton Wi.

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures as much as I enjoy going out and taken the pictures. Like I said there are some new wildflowers this week. The first two pictures I could not believe it took me that long to figure out. Enjoy the rest of the week everyone!


  1. So nice! I've never seen the top two before either. They are so unusual. Thanks. The pictures are very pretty.

  2. The flowers are beautiful, but I have to point out you said a four letter word. Fall. Ugh.

  3. I think this summer appears to be going by fast because it's been so cool.

    Great pictures, THB. You can find so much beauty in God's creation.

  4. The bees really get a close up of the flowers on several of your shots. So nice I can even smell them !

  5. Legal- The reason for some bees on the flowers is to let you know what flowers do attract them. Just like the butterfly.

    OKIE sorry for the four letter word.

    kk I never seen the first two before either that is why it was so hard for me to identify them. I thought they were so unusual that is why I took the picture.

    Thank you everyone for the nice comments and I am so glad you are enjoying the pictures.
