Saturday, August 16, 2014

"Yard is for the birds"

August 10, 2014 12:00 am  • 
"It seems I have become a bird-watcher.

"Don’t get me wrong.

"I don’t have binoculars dangling from my neck, and I don’t carry a little notebook. I do not wear baggy khaki shorts, nor a jacket with ‘leventy-seven pockets.

"(That, at least, is how I imagine a 'real' bird-watcher is tricked out — based on dozens of 1960s sitcoms.)

"But I do spend a lot of time in the backyard and tending the gardens, and there’s seldom anyone to keep me company except the birds."

Read more:


Does drew have "baggy khaki shorts" or "a jacket with ‘leventy-seven pockets"?

Have you noticed the increase in bird photos and stories in the Journal Times?


  1. doesn't sound like Drew's usual birding 'uniform', but his camera is incredible!

  2. Drew does not have any of that stuff. He just takes his binoculars and camera with him. We have met other people that actually have tripods for there camera's.

  3. No uniform for me... I just dress for whatever the weather is. My gear is my binoculars, camera and on occasion, my small birding scope.

    Other birders I know do the same.

    Just a funny thought from a birding friend who went birding in northern Alaska: "Six feet tall and wearing camouflage? Nothing here is above six inches. You ain't fooling no birds!"

  4. I rarely go to the Journal Times anymore. I do remember that when we began our website, they were trolling us quite a bit and publishing similar stories and series of things we originated. I found it both irritating and humorous.

    I haven't been skimming the IP addresses much lately, so I don't know for sure if their association and interest with us continues. Do you think their recent birding stories have something to do with us? Interesting!

  5. Yardbirds now there's a band from the past...60's music

    KK, we probably saved their circulation; so many stories they copied.

    Just shows to go ya how good we are...Hats off to all the JTI Members and readers.
