Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"City again asks judge to dismiss bar owners' lawsuit"

From The Journal

"RACINE—The city of Racine has once again asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit brought against it by the owners of five shuttered bars, but has agreed to allow some Civil Rights portions of the suit to proceed.

"Filed Wednesday afternoon in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin by an attorney for the city, the motion to dismiss is a response to an amended complaint filed by the plaintiffs on Aug. 21."

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  1. That tactic has worked for them in the past, hasn't it? I'm sure hoping this request fails. Why would the feds take it on, and then just say... "nah, since you asked nicely, we'll let you go without scrutiny?" We need a thorough, impartial investigation so this can be put behind us.
