Friday, September 12, 2014

"City Of Racine Spies On Residents & City Officals Without Consent!"

From Racine Community Media:

"The City of Racine has been caught secretly taping the residents and alder-persons without their knowledge during official City Committee and City Board Meetings. Typically Racine Common Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings are taped for broadcast, these specific meetings were never broadcast and never shown publicly!"

Read more:


  1. I went and spoke at a public meeting and was not specifically told that my voice was being recorded and could be reproduced; however, one should assume that a public venue like this type of meeting could result in that happening. It appears that there is a camera visible. I can't speak as to why they record and not show the meetings. That seems counter productive and a waste.

    The resident is correct. I've tuned into the local access channel to see what is available. There is nothing there to see that is reflective of Racine.

    I'm more concerned that there was no acknowledgement of either speaker's concerns, other than a terse, "Thank you," and a resumption of agenda items. They seem very uninterested in anything other than what they, themselves have brought to the table.

  2. Why were they recording that meeting?

    Was recording the meeting even the intent?

    Then wouldn't the camera be pointed at the meeting and the committee members?

    The camera is clearly pointed at the residents and the alderman, not the meeting.

    Was this Mayor Dickert's way of intimidating residents, or trying to use city resources to gather some kind of evidence against Ald. Weidner or some of the residents for a trial that doesn't even exist? This comes right after the Mayor lied about Ald. Weider regarding the Machinery Row scam.

    Maybe this whole meeting should be shown on TV for everyone to see, so we can see the whole thing.

    This is also the same people who lied and broke the law to cut an insider deal for Mayor Dickert's friends to take over channel 25.

    Something is very wrong with this moving picture.

  3. without video many times the audio doesn't seem to make sense.

    I thought that car-54 channel was suppose to televise city meetings live. Or is that just wishful thinking?
