Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Spider


  1. OMG, I did it! I posted a blog. Sniff.

  2. Nothing to it OKIE....!!!!

    Great job...picture and all

    that is one wicked look beast

  3. How big is that? I used to have ones like that in my garden. Freaked me out. Has like a alien looking mark on its belly. I recognize the zig zag web. I looked it up. It's a common garden spider, mine was only about 2" long.
    Cool pic.

  4. those suckers are big enough to shoot with a shotgun

  5. Mr. Dan has golden orbs every year. They are beautiful, if you aren't afraid of spiders! Luckily, I'm not.

    Living in Florida, I've gotten used to a lot of things like lizards, snakes and creepy crawlies. No, I don't like snakes, but I no longer run when I see one!

    For the most part, my vermin hunting dog alerts me to any intruders!

  6. I really don't mind him except I wish he would move. Seeing him first thing in the morning is not my idea of a good start. This morning he is up and moving around.

  7. Okie- Nice to see that you figured out how to post a blog awesome.

    Your little friend just wants to say good morning to you. I would not want to see him first thing in the morning either. Great picture of him.

  8. We have those humongous Wolf spiders here. They're harmless, but they look intimidating. Sable hunts them down...I knock them off the wall, she moves in for the kill. Such a team!

  9. That isn't a spider, that is a MONSTER! Congratulations on your first blog... and a picture, to boot! We knew you had it in you! :)

    Beejay, do the wolf spiders howl? Even if they don't, I'd probably howl upon seeing them.

  10. Congratulations on your first blog, OKIE! I hope we see more. More blogs, not more spiders.

  11. I think I saw one of those wolf spiders in Austin. I got up in the middle of the night to pee when I noticed something in my peripheral vision. It was a brown, hairy spider the size of my hand. Eek!

  12. We have wolf spiders here too. Legend has it if you kill one, hundreds of babies will come out. Shivers.

  13. I killed him. Nothing but guts came out.

  14. Congrats on your first blog OKIE!

    I think I've seen one of these out in California.
