Friday, September 5, 2014

Open Blog - Friday



  1. Yes, it be Friday and still fairly warm out there...

  2. Friday already? my days are a blur and confuses, with Monday's holiday and being off yesterday, I'm trying to keep which way is up, straight
    have a good one, gang!

  3. I'm saddened by the loss last night but I have to give it up to the Seahawks as they are one talented team.
    When I went in the backyard to fill the bird feeder and say hi to Rooster Cogburn and the chickettes, I noticed a huge spider in a web outside our bedroom window. Glad he is out there.

    It's FRIDAY! One last hot day and then temps in the 70's tomorrow, with rain. I'm ready to cool down for a while.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. Okie I am not upset at all by the way I was just loving the game.

    It is so miserable outside today my car is saying 88 degrees and really humid. I was out with my daughter grocery shopping and went to see Drew for lunch. I put the ac on in my car and I try not to use it so we can save on gas in the car.

  5. My truck's in the shop. Still waiting for "the call."

  6. I am exhausted. Teaching an old dog new tricks takes energy. ;>

  7. Tough 'in up lady...laugh'in.

    don't ya just hate when you get home and your brain says, "That's enough of this shit for one day"!

    It's still Friday...not by much but I'm here now.
