Friday, September 19, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Yes, yes, yes, yes, it is.


  1. I like Fridays, there's things you can do on Friday that is (for the most part) not available during the week, such as some really good fish fries.

    So guys don't be a cheap shit and take your lovely lady out for a nice dinner and maybe some dancing music.

  2. woke with a sore throat, not cool ;(
    on the upside, hubby comes home tonite!!

  3. I might just go to Hurricane's and listen to music and watch the sunset.....

  4. Morning everyone hope you all have a good day. This afternoon I go and see the back specialist. Just to let everyone know when I went to see my family doctor on Wednesday the mass was benign but they did find another one on my lung and I have to go and see a lung specialist next Wednesday.

  5. It's FRIDAY!!! I'll take the 5th today. Don't need it, yet...

    Good grief THB. I wish you more luck with the new tests. Glad the others came back negative.

    LM - I hope you feel better. Reminds me it is almost time for my flu shot.

    Off to work! Have a good one everyone.

  6. SER's buying? I'm in! ;>

    THB: I'm very glad the result was good. One down, one to go. We'll hope for the same results.

    LM: Hubby comes home tonight
    The good news is you now have someone to whom you can pawn off that sore throat.

  7. Back from the back specialist and the good news is no surgery but long term physical therapy and have to go and see a pain management specialist.

    Thank you everyone for the good thoughts for me. I really appreciate it.

  8. No Hurricane 's tonight. Raining. Grrrr

  9. I got the pukes again today, but I was able to beat them back in about five hours. Usually I just dry-heave myself into exhaustion and pass out. It's very rare that I "win" one with the gut. One other time, after hours and hours of puke-o-rama, I took a drink of 7up and my stomach did an instant 180 and I felt fine, instantly
