Monday, September 15, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Have a good day.


  1. Happy Monday, one and all!
    I could have slept in, but I need to get back into my crazy sleep rhythm, so I forced myself to get up (fought the snooze for over 1/2 hour...). Off to the zoo today with my mom and sister, and umbrellas, then back to real life tomorrow.

  2. Busy week. Back to SC next week to await the WI furniture!

  3. LM- Have fun with your sister and mom. Tell them I said hello.

    Beejay- I hope you get the furniture quick so you can get back to your baby that misses you so much.

  4. Was not ready for the alarm this morning. The spider is still there. I thought he was dead and asked hubby to hose him down. As he started the water, the spider took off. I will post a picture of him later.

    Back in the 80's - have a good one Irregulars.

  5. Oh, Beejay, I had no idea you were expecting. How many months along are you? {Snicker}

  6. My baby is sleeping in my (his) new bed. He sleeps on top and plays underneath it.

  7. Remember, only the days ending with "Y" are good days to drink

  8. nice rainy day at the zoo, not bad since I had a hat on and a wind breaker kind of jacket, I could barely tell it was wet out :)

    Before we left, I had to give the youngest her 'eviction' notice of 2 weeks... when she got up, saw my note, decided she would leave today, and take most of her stuff with her, coming back at a later date for the rest. Her stubbornness and pride do not suit her well, no idea where she went, but she had to have an exit plan in place, knowing it was coming. Not the way I wanted her to leave. (no, not ms froggy)
