Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

I don't get it. Every day is bullshit.


  1. Mornin all! I guess I missed all the turmoil? Hope things are all better now.
    Spent Labor day in WI. It rained.

  2. Morning everyone I am just sitting here listening to the storm outside. I had to take Drew to work this morning in the storm because I have errands to go and do later. I hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Guten Morgen!
    (one of the few things I know of German, I know a couple others, plus a couple naughty ones, thanks to my dear, hilarious grandpa!)
    Sleeping in led to a really wild dream, wow!

  4. I really needed the 5th today. Tuesday night as my bathtub was draining, the toilet started bubbling. Told hubby about it and he said "that's not good".
    Had no other problems until my bath last night and the same thing happened.
    So this morning I reported that to him and I was told "take a very quick shower". So I tried to do that and as I did, the water started coming up in the shower. Hair full of shampoo and he's saying "you need to hurry as the bathtub is filling up". My hair is clean, I don't know about me.
    He got the snake out and tried to clear it but it's too clogged. Plumber coming this afternoon.

    I do hope this is not an indication of how my day will be; I have a cut and color scheduled for 1:30 after I get out of work. Other than that, things are good.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. Oh my. Not a good sign at all, Okie!

  6. Plumbing woes are never a good start to a day.

    My day was good. Made some great connections. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Hoping all Irregulars are having an improved day.

  7. Unfortunately it was an indication. That being said, I'm home now and the Packers are coming on so I am happy. Tomorrow is another day.

  8. Oh and the plumbing is fixed. The plumber had a bigger snake than my husband.

  9. " the plumber had a bigger snake than my husband" not sure were that is cumin
