Saturday, September 13, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Have fun.


  1. What the heck am I doing up. Paper is read...all my puzzles are done. Going for my second cup of coffee.

    Gasp, guess I will clean that refrigerator next.

  2. Ha! Weekend just means housework, grocery shopping and laundry. Maybe I need a live in maid?

    I would be one of those nuts that clean before the maid comes. I feel badly when the custodian comes to sweep my office floor and empty the trash.

  3. Refrigerator all cleaned out. Washed everything down.

    Towels done...another load washing. This is nuts!

  4. Good Lord you people are wearing me out. Beejay, what the heck are you doing up at 4:04 a.m?

    KK - I too would clean before the cleaning lady came. It's a nice thought but it's my house and I'll clean it. Grumbling the whole time of course.

    I'm going shopping. The birds need seed, the dog needs chewies and I need a pair of boots.

    Have a great day everyone.

  5. wow, Beejay, that's super early!
    I am so glad to have had off today, sleeping was wonderful! I 1st woke at 7, decided I didn't want to be up yet and happily curled back up in the blankets, and knocked out til 10, I thought for sure I'd be awake by 8, guess I needed the extra time! - and no weird dreams like usual when I sleep in - awesome!

  6. Okie, it was 5:04 my time. However, I did wake up at 4:00.

  7. One of the things we do after staying at a Hotel, and are leaving, Is pretty much clean the room for the housekeeper. DUMB, when you consider how much you had to pay, but It's just one of those things. I worked at a Motel up here, and saw what people did to rooms. DISGUSTING doesn't even describe the mess. BTW, I had to turn the heat on In the middle of the night. I probably could have seen my breath had I looked. Quite chilly.

  8. Hello, chilly friends. We got screwed out of a summer. I ran my a/c once, and that was for two hours.

  9. Beejay, you inspired me, I cleaned and disinfected the fridge. The youngest doesn't 'get it' when it comes to raw meat products...

  10. Toad we had our turn the heat on as well.
    I think the cold weather killed the stalking spider. He's still there but hasn't moved all day.
    I didn't clean anything except laundry but I did buy a great pair of boots at Ross for only $25.00. It was a good day.

  11. OKIE, I'm certain Ross will love them.

  12. Refrigerator, must have been the day, i cleaned my yesterday.

    there was a couple good science projects going on it there!!!
