Saturday, September 27, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Put the pedal to the metal.


  1. Up and at 'em. Wash in the machine...Sable on my lap. Let the games begin.

  2. big to-do list for today, we'll see how I do!

  3. I get to see my favorite human today. Can't wait! I've stored a bunch of kisses up.

    Have a great day, Irregulars, and those who don't yet claim their Irregularity.

  4. Being a driver again today but just for one stop. Then I am coming home and cleaning my car and enjoying this perfect weather.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. My comments In the "Four for Friday's" section should have been here. ME BAD.

  6. OKIE- Tomorrow is our game and I was wondering if our bet is on again? I am in if you are!

    LM- We went out to Borzynski's Farm today. I can't believe it you are right about all the stuff that they have. They have a special on some vegetables and I bought me some. You do have to watch the prices some things are high price.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather today.

  7. Borzynski's is a place I used to shop regularly...loved it.

  8. Imagine my surprise when looking at the tv guide tonight and saw that Richard Pryor will be hosting Saturday Night Live with Dan Akryod and John Belushi. It describes the show as "live". I pretty sure that can't happen since Richard and John are dead.
    But if I remember right, parts of this one are hilarious.

  9. Note to self:
    DO NOT get in the middle of your dog and a squirrel she is attempting to catch. Little bugger ran across my foot and scratched me.
    It's one of the white ones and I really did not want Suzie to catch it. Dumb squirrel fell out of the tree trying to get away. Oh good! Second chance for Suz!
    But.. I will probably do it again....

  10. Poor Suz. Poor MC! Darn squirrel.

  11. Suzie is a good dog, defending you and your territory. I'm hoping it was Suzie who scratched your foot. You don't need broken skin from a wild squirrel. Yikes. Hope your foot is better.

  12. so conflicted, with the Bear Packer game today. Of course, I'm a Packer fan. However, today, is to honor my nephew who took his life, an avid Bears fan. I have my sister coming (a Bears fan...) and have a regular and his wife coming, also Bears fans, in Tommy's place. While I want "us" to win, if the Bears win, I know Tommy would be proud. So torn! The next time we play, nostalgia is out the window!

  13. Liz, I think having friends and family around is the real win. It sounds like it will be a win, no matter the outcome. (go pack! ) ;>

  14. kk, I spotted your double at Piggly Wiggly. She looked just like you. She was talking to someone else and I kept trying to get into her line of sight to see if she'd recognize me. Obviously, it wasn't you.

    Or, there is a plot afoot to replace all of the Irregulars with body doubles. Watch your back. The pod people are here.

  15. You are not the first to tell me this. At one time this woman had a car similar to the one I drove at the time (an old man's Delta 88). People would insist I was somewhere when I wasn't. Funny to hear we've potentially aged in a similar fashion. Either that - or we are Stepford wives. Lol
