Monday, September 22, 2014

"Sturtevant police have body cameras, other departments considering them"

From The Journal

"STURTEVANT — When Sturtevant Police Officer Bob Gelden starts his shift he clips a camera onto his uniform, then heads out on patrol.

“'It’s a great tool,' said Gelden, who has been wearing the body camera since about late April when Sturtevant received cameras through a state grant.

“'There is no disputing video evidence,' he said.

"In February, the Sturtevant Police Department received a $4,000 traffic safety grant from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, which the department used to buy 12 body cameras, said Sturtevant Police Chief Sean Marschke.

"Marschke said he thinks body cameras will become the norm in law enforcement.

"Mount Pleasant also has a few body cameras for its officers and has budgeted $5,000 to obtain more this year. Sgt. Jessie Metoyer of the Racine Police Department said the department doesn’t have them yet, but it’s something they are looking into. Caledonia’s chief said it is not something they are planning to buy at this point."

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  1. I think it is a bonus for the citizens as well. Everyone behaves better when they know they are being held accountable.

  2. We should implant very citizen with a GPS chip to allow tracking of everyone, everywhere.

    We should all get body cameras, too.

    And a free lunch.

  3. Not a bad idea if you ask me... It'll cut down police brutality claims.

  4. I seen this on the news that some police departments were going to get the body cameras. I think it is a good idea this way no one can say this police officer assaulted me first.

    I agree with kk that maybe people with start to behave more with the cameras.

  5. It's a good idea both for the safety of the officers and to show the idiots along with the good people
