Saturday, October 4, 2014

"Blood Moon Returns, Bigger & Better Than Ever"

From Racine County Eye:

 "The second of four blood moons appears early Wednesday morning, this one even bigger and better than the one that rose last April.

"Called a tetrad, the series of four blood moons is the first of many during the 21st century, according to a story from CNN. For the almost 300 years leading up to the turn of the 20th century, there are no tetrads recorded.

"Because this moon takes place so soon after the closest part of the Earth – called the perigree – in the moon’s orbit, the moon look almost the size of a super moon, the story reads.

"NASA eclipse expert Fred Espenak told CNN that having four lunar eclipses of this fashion in a row is rare enough, and is special because they’re visible from most areas in the country.

"A full-on lunar eclipse is what causes the moon to glow reddish-orange and residents who live in the western half of the U.S. will have a front-row seat to the show. Here in Racine County, we’ll get a slightly less glamorous version."

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