Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my ghouls and goblins!  Boo!  How are you?  Are you running through the leaves and jumping into the piles?  Or are you stuck with raking them up?  One of the things I’ve always hated is getting all of the leaves into a big pile and then the wind blows them away before I can put them in trash bags. 

Such duties are Junior and Señor Zanza’s problem now.  What I really miss from my youth is the smell of burning leaves.  We’re not allowed to burn them in the city of Racine anymore, so we take bags of them to a remote location and have a bonfire. Sometimes, a steaming, red hot, bed of coals is constructed for the nutjobs.  They make the beds of hot coal to walk over without shoes to prove their belief in something or the other.  Oh my. 

I read about the layoffs to come at CNH.  That’s sad, just very sad.  Right in the middle of the winter holiday season.  What a kick to the groin.  I’ll pray for all.  Make use of every resource the city and county have to offer.  You may get a better job.

Personally, 2014 was rotten. It wouldn’t need much to improve.

Packersly, their last game was  rotten.  They have a bye week now, correct?  I hope they use the time wisely.

In the Irregular Football League, Mme. Zoltar is holding down OrbsCorbs in last place.

Need help?  Yes, you do: 

The days shorten  Bah, I spit on winter.  Won’t make any difference anyway. Hagiology


  1. Madame Z- Yes the Packers and the Bears have a bye week this week.

    I also love the smell of burning leaves this time of year but I just do not like what is coming next.

  2. We had to turn the furnace on again. So sad.

  3. I love it when the wind takes my big pile of leaves before I have the opportunity to work to bag them up. Sorry neighbors who are downwind. Bwahahahahaha. (not)

    Sweater and blanket weather. Yes.
