Friday, October 17, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Suit up and show up.


  1. Up and packing last minute things to get on the road to go up north. We will be back on Sunday sometime and I will be careful driving both ways. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

  2. It's FRIDAY! I have to say the week went by quite quickly.

    Have a great day Irregulars. Have a safe trip THB & Drew.

  3. I try to avoid the strong stuff when the going gets rough. It only confuses the situation further. Looking forward to less stressful times so I can enjoy responsibly.

  4. What is it about Texas that they can't understand when you come into contact with an extremely deadly disease, that you should quarantine yourself? Not get on a cruise ship or an airplane.

    I'm sorry but to quote Forrest, "stupid is as stupid does".

  5. OKIE: I took one of those tests on Facebook this week, that asked questions to determine what state you should live In, and mine came back as Texas, NEVER would I live In Texas, NEVER.

  6. Hello Irregulars.

    Charlie is going to the vet tomorrow because of a sore on his back. God, I dread getting him into the carrier. And, of course, I further dread what the vet will say.

  7. Okie, I have to agree with you.

  8. Good luck to the two of you Orbs.

  9. wow, I almost missed Friday! I was woken up earlier than I needed to be, that put me out of whack, then early release for local schools, I dread those days and I had no warning it was today... geesh, work was rough! came home and it's been a whirlwind uber busy until just now when the cookies cooled enough to put away... heading to bed very soon and not setting an alarm, wonder how long I'll stay in bed!

  10. Please let us know how Charlie is doing. He is as much of an Irregular as the rest of us.

  11. kk, Charlie appears to be OK. I wrote about it in the Open Blog for Saturday.
