Monday, October 13, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Oh no!


  1. oh Monday, why do you torment us so??

  2. This morning I woke up and just as I was rolling over, the alarm went off. Seriously?

    We got the storms last night that you will be getting today. Personally, I felt they were a little over rated. A little wind, soft thunder, rain and it was done. Stay alert as it might be worse up there.

    Stay dry Irregulars.

  3. Oh no, is right! Today had Monday written all over it! It was one snafu to the next.

  4. Hi, all. I had a doctor's appt. at 10:30, I thought. When I got there, they told me I was an hour early. I offered to leave and come back (I'd just sleep in the truck), but they squeezed me in around 11.

    Now the rain comes.
