Thursday, October 2, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a great day!


  1. Claiming #1 spot and turning out the lights.

  2. lights on here, low, but on. Hubby made it home, he's alternating snoring and coughing, poor guy :(

  3. I am up and good morning to everyone. I had to take Drew to work I have my physical therapy this morning lucky me.

    LM- I am so glad hubby made it home safe and now he can start to get spoiled by you making him all better. But if you spoil him to much he might not go back to work.

    I hope everyone has a good day and try to stay dry.

  4. Hello. Working all day today so I can take hubby for his shot tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will take and he can sit again. And most importantly, drive again.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  5. Hello Mr. Corbs, et al. A very busy day, today, but a good one. Feeling better, so I'm back on the feed bag. Moving to another new building, makes for lots of new people, new germs and lower resistance to them.

    Liz... three words, homemade chicken soup.
