Thursday, October 16, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

Have a good day.


  1. where has this week gone? I feel like I'm running faster on my little hamster wheel and making less progress. I think I need a clone...

  2. Ha ha ha ha..... staying aliiiveee.

  3. Seems like I'm treading water these days!

  4. Thursday. Work, grocery store, pizza shop. That is the plan so far but plans always change.
    I can't believe its the middle of October already. Sheesh.

  5. I agree with LM that this week has gone by to fast for me to. It is like I have been running with doctor appointments and physical therapy this month and it feels like I have not gotten anything accomplished for this weekend. I have two salads to get done for our grandson's birthday party and it is the same two I made last month my taco salad and noodle salad. So now today I have to make them, wash clothes for the weekend, pack and make dinner. This is going to be a very busy day for me.

    Sorry I haven't posted any of my fall pictures or recipes this week. I am going to get caught up next week and I my even have some Halloween decoration pictures for everyone. I just feel so bad because I know how everyone likes to see some of the pictures on here. I hope everyone has a very nice day!

  6. my paper shredder died...dang gear broke AGAIN and at the tune of $100+ I can get 3 nice ones from Amazon cheaper and they do just the same...

    Too many much stress what's a person to do....laugh'in

  7. This is crazy. Even our men are stressing. Usually, that is the woman's job. Must be that meat prices are so high, the forced vegie diet is getting to them. ;>

  8. This weekend is a storm of work the week has been hectic getting ready for them.

    Tomorrow will be a surprise paycheck. Our director announced that our merit raises (with back pay to April) will show up in our paycheck tomorrow and our supervisor would tell us what our raises are. My supervisor is out of town and didn't tell me before he left so I will find out tomorrow...raises are small, but it had better go up and not down!
