Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

I'm done before I get up.


  1. good morning! another busy week, and an ambitious to-do list, have to see what gets done. cookies are on the list, those will get done for sure, good way to warm up the house a little. I'm holding out as long as I can before turning the heat on

  2. Lizmom...to early for X-Mass Cookies...

  3. Cookies are good anytime. Why wait for Christmas? Morning, all. It was dark out there this morning.

  4. Morning all. Have a blessed day. I'm tired of the sadness that surrounds my family of late.

  5. Howdy. LM - we already have the heat on. I went out to fill the bird feeder and it was pretty nippy out there. I think it's 52. Brr.

    Off to work and then driving Mr. Daisy. It was a bad day yesterday.

    Beejay - I hope things get better for you.

    Oh, LM - we need to talk.

  6. Hej allihopa! Toad reminded me that I should come and check in, I've been very busy with work and rarely sit in front of the computer and blogger doesn't work so well on my phone which is where I do most of my computer stuff now... My life consists of waking up at 4:45 am working coming home taking care of the family and in bed by the latest 9 pm.. So I have not been much fun.. I've been around reading from time to time but gotta admit I am out of the loop.. Beejay I'm sorry you are going through a rough time.. We are getting out of a pretty deep hole ourselves, lost way too many loved ones this last year.. Could be what's making me a little antisocial as well..
    Fall is here in Sweden as I imagine it is there as well, but we have one of the warmest summers I have ever experienced here so I shouldn't complain, but this darkness moving in is starting to get me down.. I am trying to organize together a trick or treating day here, I hope we can get something together as its one of the things I miss the most with the girls..
    Mina just turned 8 and I cannot fathom where the time goes.. The first second generation irregular Maia will turn 6 this winter..
    We have officially bought our first car.. Sounds strange I'm sure but here it's very common to use public transportation, matter fact even though we have the car my husband still takes the train/bus to work everyday, hard to afford the gas and parking in the city..
    Anyways that's what has been going on here, I will try to make it here and be apart of the gang again.. Miss you guys!

  7. So great to hear from you, WhyNot? We were missing you.

    Hang in there, Irregulars. The storm has to break soon for all of us..... <3

  8. I'm trying. This has to stop. Life moves forward.

  9. Well I am just about to the point where the AC is getting turned off at night...not looking to run the heater yet! Soon will not need the AC at all until April or May. Heater is only run a little bit on particularly cold mornings.

  10. Beejay, here's to a huge virtual hug, I think Biggie D may have to deliver one for me.
    Whynot, good to see you again!
    SER, it wasn't quite planned that way, but thinking about it, I made one kind today that I make for Christmas, with another 2 in the works. Today was chocolate spritz with M&M's on top, tomorrow or Thursday, another Christmas one, peanut butter spritz made into wide 'logs' then dipped in chocolate on the ends and peaunts, and ms froggy is lobbying for sugar cookies. How can I say no? Now hubby has the guys that are also renting rooms in the same house used to him bringing goodies back with him, so I can blame him for my sudden cookie making onset! No cookie should be made only one time a year, I'm breaking the waiting period!

  11. Good evening.

    Great to hear from you, Why Not.
