Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

I hear you.


  1. the days seem to be going by so fast, what I wouldn't give for an extra couple hours in a day!

  2. Hell Yes....

    Have a gooder day everyone...!

  3. Hello. Off to the Dr. with the hubby and as always, what was one appointment is now 5. At least the weather is beautiful; in the 70's. Must say it is only 42 right now. BRRRRR. So not ready for cold.

    In closing, what SER said.

  4. OKIE- I told you that the pain doctor would try to give me the shots in the back and I told him no way. So now I have a pill for the nerves and a cortisone pill. Let your hubby know that he can get the pill instead of going for the shots. I would talk to the doctor about this so he is not in so much pain. I go back in a month to see how the medicines are going. I hate to see him in this much pain with the shot.

    LM- I agree with you the days are going way to fast because I have to start getting everything to make my salads for this weekend. We are going up north again for our grandson's 2nd birthday party.

    I get to stay home tomorrow all day and then all the driving all weekend. I had physical therapy Monday and Tuesday and then today another ct scan and the pain doctor. I can't wait to rest tomorrow before the long drive.

  5. Tender Heart, Not a good idea not following the Dr's advice. I'm sure he gave you muscle relaxers, and you won't improve, and WHAT a Cortisone pill Is, I have NO idea?

  6. Oh no.... everyone is falling apart. I'm busy, but doing okay. Doing my best to avoid Ebola. Talk about scary stuff!

  7. Toad- The cortisone pill is just like the shot the only difference is you do not have the pain from the shot. You are on the pills for six days.

    kk- I agree with you about the Ebola being very scary. I am doing my best to avoid it too.

  8. THB the shot helped. They are going to give him another in 2 weeks. The first question they asked if he has been out of the country in the last 21 days. Ebola protocols in place.
    Unfortunately the nurse in Dallas didn't think getting on an airplane after being exposed to Ebola was a big deal. Why the hell wasn't she in isolation? One sneeze on an airplane can Infect how many?
    It's bad enough we have the disease here, but this constant stupidity scares me.

  9. OKIE, YOU are so correct about the EBOLA. My wife had to fly to NH. Coming back stopping In NY. at LaGuardia. I AIN'T A HAPPY CAMPER.

    THB, About the shot. It hurts, because they contact the SOURCE of the pain. The PILL, (what ever It Is) doesn't. Just Sayin.

    They're Is a song out there called "Do what you like" I don't remember who did It. BTW. They're, There? I will NEVER figure It out.

  10. I heard this morning that the infected nurse actually called the CDC prior to taking that flight and was given instructions that it was SAFE for her to fly because her fever was so low. Bad information.

    They keep coming out with assurances that we are taking the correct steps to keep this from becoming an epidemic here, but then instances like this prove that we are failing. Nurses are complaining that there isn't proper preventative training or adequate protective equipment or plans if someone walks through the door.

    they're = they are
    there = a location
    their indicates possession (their dog)
    there's = there is
