Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oren Blog - Wednesday

Wear your underwear on your head today.


  1. I'll pass, thanks... but I'm wearing some crazy socks, that should count, right?
    I sent hubby packing, but he'll be back late Thursday night if they're back to 4 10's,,,

  2. Back to Florida today. But. I do feel like we really accomplished something this trip.

  3. Don't think underwear on my head would be "professionally appropriate." Trying out a different "hat" on the job for the next three weeks. That, in itself will be wacky enough.

    Have a good day, Irregulars.

  4. Driving Mr. Daisy again. I will say this, there is a lot of money and building going on down here. Time to go. Have a good one Irregulars

  5. Sorry don't think I could handle the undies on the head day.

    the only time I even wear a something on my head is during deer hunting and it's required by law.

    OR, if it's 10 degrees outside and I have to be out there for a while.

    I'll leave that hat trip up to Toad....

  6. I am not holding out on you with eclipse pictures...clouds and rain here overnight so no chance.

  7. Ohhhh. I saw the eclipse this morning. Gorgeous. Almost made me late to work. Couldn't quit gawking at it. Photos attempted, but not successful. :(

  8. Sorry I will not wear that on my head.

    Drew got some really nice pictures so one of us will post them tonight or tomorrow for everyone to see. Sorry to hear that you couldn't get and pictures this time Hale.

  9. I'm not putting Depends on my head for anyone! Humph, the nerve!

  10. Personally I think It "Depends" on WHO'S undies? Me BAD.

    BTW, What Is an OREN BLOG. Hee, Hee.
