Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Lunar Ecplise

Kinda thought that Hale-bopp would post a fabulous photo of the lunar eclipse here on the JTI, but due to the weather conditions down in Arizona prevented him from getting any snapshots. In the few minutes before I had to leave for work, I stepped outside of my apartment to snap a few personal pics with my trusty Sony DSC-H2 camera. I was able to get great views on the way to work.

For the those who didn't see the eclipse and missed Tender Heart's post on Facebook, here are a couple of photos.....


  1. Neat. Thank you for posting them.

  2. I didn't get to see it. Thanks Drew.

  3. Thanks, Drew. I heard rain on the roof when I woke up to take pics so that tells you how it went here.
