Friday, October 3, 2014

" Why? Because one day, you'll need help too."


  1. On any given day, In the great city of Mauston, If I were a Cop, I could spend my ENTIRE shift writing tickets for Moving Violations. As for stopping at the crosswalk for people to cross, It Is almost NEVER paid attention to. I often times stop, and am afraid someone Is going to pass me on the right. IT'S THE LAW to stop at crosswalks downtown. but nobody cares HERE.

  2. It won't open for me. The label says something positive. Why does the negative get through so easily and we have to work so hard for the positive?

  3. I finally can see the video. That was wonderful. Random acts of kindness. Shovel your neighbors walk if you can, help load groceries into someones car, take back the cart for them, small things mean so much and cost you nothing. Lighten someones load. You'll feel better for doing it.

  4. Ya know what really fun. Walking somewhere, and seeing some very old women sitting on a bench/or table, and saying "HI GIRLS" They eat It up, and It doesn't cost a thing.
