Monday, October 6, 2014

"Your Zoo is a jail."

From Racine Community Media:

"One Racine child’s review of his recent visit to the Racine Zoo."

I can't take watching those magnificent animals pacing back and forth in their cages.


  1. I'm not the biggest fan of seeing caged animals either. However, zoos have benefited wildlife. For example, the California Condor. At one time, there were only 22 individual condors. With the help from a breeding program set up by network of zoos, the California Condor are thriving with over 2,000 in the wild. Similar programs are existing, helping other endangered creatures like the Giant Panda.

    Over the years, many zoos have taken great strides in improving the living conditions for the animals. Bars and glass enclosures have been removed. Exhibits have been made larger, giving the animals more space. A more a natural environment have created for them. These animals live longer and are healthier than the ones in the wild. Free food and medical care helps...

    Admittedly, Racine's zoo is a far cry from being the best. What does any expect from a small area to work with that only charges four bucks to get in? More money and donations can help the situation improve.

    Circuses, however, I do not and will not endorse....

  2. I hate snakes so bad, i can't even stand next to the glass with all those snake in them, creeps me out.
