Friday, November 28, 2014

Open Blog - Black Friday

Shop till you drop.


  1. Never would I be in one of those crowds, eek.

  2. no thanks, it's jammie/hibernation day for me!

  3. Odd man out, so to speak. I'm going out in this madness but only to a few places. My sister-in-law has a clothing boutique so I am going there and Academy Sports. That will be the end of my shopping, except for my wine.

    LM - your treat was a hit when I showed everyone at dinner.

  4. OKIE, does this made me celebrity now? :D
    glad if it makes people smile, it sure made me smile, not just when it turned out, but the thought in general still has me a little giggly!

  5. I am not even going anywhere near the stores today. I will go the other way to stay away from the madness. I did it one year and that was the end for me.

  6. No shopping for me, either.

    Well, I gotta pick up the truck and that's a $230 repair, so I guess I'm shopping for my truck.

  7. Academy was crowded but not bad. We went past the mall and it was packed. People were parking on the grass. I can't imagine anyone wanting to get into that mess.
