Friday, November 7, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Purr, purr.


  1. I'd like to say good morning, but it is still pretty dark out there...

  2. I think my blankets may have whimpered when I had to leave them...we've grown so close :(

  3. S'up? You up? Anyone else playing the insomnia game?

  4. It actually slept all night. It was LIGHT when I opened my eyes! Morning all.

  5. Good Morning. IT'S FRIDAY!!!!

    It's been a long two weeks but things are looking up.

  6. Good afternoon.

    This apartment is driving me nuts. Since the new owners, we've had three managers. Management is fond of notes, sticking notes all over the place telling us "valued residents" how to act.

    There's no underground parking spots available and the lot is filling up. They're renting like crazy, and it shows. There is more and more crap in the hallways, more and more noise. Give me back the "senior living community." They were clean and quiet.
