Friday, November 14, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Wine time? When will it be bourbon time?


  1. long day ahead, busy weekend to follow

  2. Today is my last day for physical therapy because my insurance will not pay for any longer. I went to the YMCA and found out that I could sign up there and get a scholarship to pay for half of it for me. So I am going to be going there twice a week to keep up with the exercises plus doing the at home exercises that the therapist gave me.

    When I took Drew to work the temperature was 21 out there so I hope everyone stays warm and have a nice day.

  3. Did someone mention wine? Are the exercises working THB? I do wish there was more that could be done for people with bad backs.

    It's FRIDAY!!! A cold one (22 right now) but the sun is shining and the winds have died down.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. OKIE, THB, The Medical Associations cure for back pain Is, Get over It, and just suck It up. I have It, and have for at least 46 years. Nothing works, so I just live with It. I will however say HIP pain Is WORSE. Hell, Migraine headaches are WORSE. What my mother called the "Gripes" (Lower abdominal gas pains) or whatever they are called, are WORSE. I just get comfortable, and live with It.

  5. Happy Friday.

    I feel sorry for anyone suffering from back and/or hip pain. Ibuprofen usually takes care of it for me, but my kidney doctor just told me to avoid ibuprofen as it's very hard on the kidneys.

  6. I get migraines. Not fun. They can last for over a week sometimes andTylenol or Ibuprofen only mildly dull the pain, and it adds to the nausea.

    When Okie said, "a cold one".... I thought maybe she was already enjoying a beverage. It is cold out there today, for sure! Too many flakes in the air for my liking.

    I don't know about the rest of you'all but I"M GLAD it is is FRIDAY! Wooooooot!

  7. OKIE- The exercises do help me so I can get stuff done but if I over do it like I did today and by the time I got home I was in a lot of pain. But I am just glad I am able to relax the rest of the night.

    Toad- I have had this back pain since I had a C-Section with my daughter 25 years ago. I had a spinal injection and they hit my disc and the doctor never told me until I went to a specialist that is how I found out what happened. I deal with the pain every day and I do not let it stop me from what I have to get done.
