Friday, November 21, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Smile away, you chubby-cheeked chubby cheeks.


  1. Mornin all!
    Just read yesterday's blog. I am hoping you weren't hurt in your accident , THB. Cars can be replaced, people can't.
    Take care everyone!

  2. that's a whole lot of wrinkles going on!
    last day of work then a week and a half off, yay!!! Hubby's home, took him 10 minutes to coerce the hood release into submission, getting new battery today, then I'm free again!

  3. Our first set of guests arrive today. Have to finish shoving boxes into the unfinished laundry room. We have started on it, but it will not be completed until the spring.

  4. Doing the work thing and that's all I have to say about that.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

    IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!

  5. OKIE- We do have the car rental with our insurance but we have to pay the deposit of 150.00 to 200.00 for that.

    LM- I am happy that hubby made it home and you are getting your car back today.

    Thank you everyone for the concern about me. We are alright nothing happened to my daughter or I.

    I hope everyone stays warm and has a good day.

  6. I am so happy now just got a phone call that our car is done and I don't have to stay home anymore. LM I will be free like you again. I am staying home tomorrow with the sleet coming over night.

  7. I'm happy for you guys THB. As for the rental, you are right as it is a reimbursement.

  8. Yesterday sucked. Today, not any better. So glad it is the weekend.

  9. I was in a checkout lane at Piggly Wiggly when I dropped a 2 liter bottle of Coke and it exploded. It shut down the lane. What a f-ing mess.
