Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Open Blog - Tuesday

Aw, so cute.


  1. Morning. Stay warm and safe, my friends.

  2. 78 yesterday, in the 20's right now with a howling north wind. Otherwise known as hot flash heaven.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  3. That's pretty funny OKIE. Sure glad you were not In that office building In Norman yesterday.

  4. I grew up in Wisconsin. Born in Oconto Falls, moved to Ithaca and then Milwaukee. So, why my friends, am I freezing at 79 degrees? Brother.

  5. Sliding in under the wire before the day is gone. Another busy day, today.

    Okie, you mean it WAS the weather and not just me? ;> One good thing about my job- There is a window with a screen right behind my desk. I can have instant air conditioning when the need strikes.

    Ahem... I saw snow hitting the windshield today at about 3:30. So-Not-A-Fan!
