Saturday, November 1, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Happy November!


  1. I saw a 4 letter word, blowing across the road, and wetting my windshield yesterday on my way to West Allis! Shhhhh. It's too close for comfort!

  2. KK, Pretty much covered the grass, here.

  3. Only going to hit 68 here today. Tonight we may break a record with a low if 46 predicted. Sock weather!

  4. 36 this morning with temps heading up to 56. Woo Hoo. Brr.

    Have a great Saturday Irregulars. I'm off to the Lego store at the mall as it's our grandsons 9th birthday today. It's going to be an outside party starting at 5:30. I wonder where my long johns are.

  5. I love the picture just wish I could have found something like that one. It just went by so quick this year.

    KK- I agree that is a very naughty four letter word. I was driving in it here yesterday.
