Saturday, November 15, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Take it easy, friends.


  1. sleeping in til 6 wasn't too bad. off today for Indiana with my mom and sister to walk in a fund raiser for a therapy horse barn, than my autistic nephew uses. many, many layers will be needed for sure, brrrrr!

  2. A wonderful cause, LM.

    Have a great day.

  3. Have a safe t as trip LM. I'm driving Mr. Daisy for a short time. He still has trouble sitting but everything else is good. So good that our Christmas tree is up and all my decorations are everywhere. Can you tell he was bored yesterday. That's okay as I'm thrilled he is better.
    Have a great day Irregulars.

  4. LM- We hope you all have a safe trip. Please be on good behavior down there.

    OKIE- At least he is moving around and you could get everything up for Christmas. I think it is great that he is getting better and is trying to drive the car again too.

  5. THB - it's not up, just out. This could take days. Tree is about 80% done.

  6. OKIE- Does that mean you have to get it all put up by yourself? I hope not because that takes a lot of time to do.

    Hi Daddy Orbs.

  7. Happy weekend, Irregulars. I have a pint sized visitor on the way for a visit. Looking forward to some playing. I dug out my Little Tykes piano and have been practicing a few tunes. ;>

    Okie, glad Mr. Daisy continues to improve!

  8. He will help. I have taken pictures so I know where everything goes. I seem to have a lot of stuff.

    KK you are going to have a fun, musical day.

  9. it was chilly, but we walked 2 miles. You start with a bell on a chord, for every lap you make , you add a bell, 1/4 mile round, we each did 8 laps/2 miles, even the kids, and my niece lapped us all one extra, talk about energy, wow! Visited with family, then hit up Golden Corral in Merrillville, and Old Tyme Pottery before jumping 65 back up to 94 and on home. Good day with the family. Time to pass out and relax.
    OKIE, I'm so jealous, I want my tree up like NOW!! I cleared a spot for it, so I'll be ready as soon as I can kick everybody out with full tummies :D

  10. I'm actually thinking a tree on the Porch might be nice? We don't have the square footage available for a tree In the house. Just paths. Drove to Madison to Costco today. What a Zoo. Horrible pushy, snotty, creepy people everywhere. Baa, Humbug.

  11. I have been putting a tree on our lanai and in the living room the last few years. Nice. Going to be gone. Up they go once we get back. Mr. D will be helping...yes, he will.

  12. Got a letter informing me that retaining my current prescription drug coverage next year will quadruple my monthly premiums. Thing is, I'm grandfathered under this plan to cover a very expensive prescription I take every month. Around $400 a bottle (of 30). I take two bottles a month. Of course I'm free to "shop" alternatives, but I doubt they'd take me.

  13. If I am correct they have to take you Orbs, no matter what condition you have.

  14. Orb's, Try "Silverscript" 866-552-6288 24/7 signup. I got them, and I good. They will tell you on the phone what you will pay for each Script. you take, and your premium. Good at Walgreen's also.

  15. No snow. It was 80 in the house so the fella said he needed a/c. Grrrr. I was comfy.
