Saturday, November 8, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Put the pedal to the metal.


  1. Have a good one. We get a cool down tomorrow

  2. hibernating the day away, may attempt productivity. Expected success rate - 30%

  3. Enjoying the last few days of nice weather before the polar vortex moves in. I'm not ready. I guess later I will have to start switching closets. Grrr.

  4. Was only 79 degrees and the pool at a frigid 81.5. Biggy D braved the waters. Not me. I sat on the lounge with Sable. I'm more of an 87 degree water girl...89 is better.

  5. Beejay, for shame! Being a native Wisconsin girl, you should know the looming feeling of dread we are all experiencing.

    Myself, on the other hand... I'm in denial. I haven't pulled out the heavy coats, mittens or hats. I do have the furnace running and have flipped the heat switch on in the car in the mornings. Brrr. Let's hope no white stuff flies for awhile. That ruins the illusion that it isn't that cold out there.

    I wish they'd quit using that "polar vortex" phrase. It conjures up such negative neurons in my brain.

  6. yesterday's productivity rate ended more like 60 %, today, at 30 so far...
    I'm ready for the dread vortex, I finally found boots that are incredibly warm (previous were not at all...), I stocked up on knee highs, fuzzy extra socks, boots, layers, I'm ready to take this vortex down!

  7. Glad Farsdag to you!! Today is fathers day here in Sweden.. Poor Toff had to cook fathers day supper all by himself as it was my weekend to work and didnt get done until late..

    Keep warm over there, we had a bit of snow last week but it melted away already and got some mild temperatures again. Beejay I still need to get my ticket to Florida.. I'd be a snowbird...

  8. I swapped out my closet last night. I almost shed a tear.

    Go Pack Go. Take that THB. Smiling

  9. OKIE, come do my closet. It took me a year to tackle Grandma's. I would take one look and walk away.
