Thursday, December 25, 2014

Open Blog - Christmas

Thank you for always being there - for me, and for each other.  
Merry Christmas!


  1. Once again, this year has shown me the importance of Special Friends.

    Merry Christmas to all of you JTIs (and others) who have helped me face physical and psychological issues this year.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    God bless man.

  2. God Bless you, Orbs, and the rest of the JTIs. May we have peace!

  3. Thank you, friends, for always being there. You are a constant respite when life and the world gets crazy. I know you will make me smile and show me that there are good, caring people out there. Or.... you'll act like idiots and brighten my day when I get too serious.

    Merry Christmas to all JTI's, hope Santa remembers how good (and naughty) you've been.

  4. Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday.

    We made it to see my two older kids, grandkids and my mom. We had a wonderful time with the family and the grandkids would not leave grandpa alone. Our granddaughter had to open her presents with grandpa this year and made our grandson jealous because he wanted grandpa. It was so nice to see everyone and we had just so much fun with them.

  5. Daddy Orbs- I am so glad you are feeling a lot better and tell Charlie I said Merry Christmas to both of you.

  6. Merry Christmas to all my Irregular friends. When facing some difficulties you guys were always there. I want to thank you for all of your kindness and friendship. You mean more to me than you know.

  7. Merry Christmas!! love you all and glad Orbs is on the upswing, being sick this time of year just seems to much worse than any other time. Here's to a healthier, happier, less stressful year ahead!

  8. Happy Newtonmas and have an excellent Christmas!

  9. I slept all day, until 6:40 PM. It felt great, but I woke up wondering if it was day or night.
