Friday, December 12, 2014

Open Blog - Friday

Looking good.


  1. Sorry, this was scheduled, but for Saturday.

  2. Luke, I am your father.

    Let the force be with all of us.

  3. Quite all right Sheriff. I posted on Facebook that Bath & Body Works have the 3 wick candles on sale today for $8.00. It was a good day (after work).

    Finally, $1.99 gas has made it to NW Oklahoma City. I like it.

    Off to hubby's Christmas Party. Starts at 6:00 and we will be home by 8:00. It's just the way it is.

  4. OKIE- The gas price by our house is $2.45.

    I was wondering what happened to open blog this morning. I hope everyone had a nice day today.

  5. It was a test and no one knew the difference, good job Sheriff...!
