Monday, December 22, 2014

Open Blog - Monday

Isn't Merry Monday an oxymoron?


  1. Busy week ahead, already planning my sleep schedule so I can keep up, 10 hours at work on Christmas eve should have me napping while everybody else is celebrating, may have to pull out a few toothpicks as props!

  2. LM- I feel the same way because today is a busy day. Getting everything ready to go up north clean the house so it clean when we get home plus running today to get everything to wrap or pack the presents in and get the food to take up north. Then Drew had to be to work today at 4am and I had to take him so I can do the running while he is at work.

  3. Another dreary one here. This is getting old. Other than that, things are done and I'm ready. I'm working all day today, half tomorrow and half Wednesday. That way I get a nice 4 day weekend and can hit the after Christmas sales. I'm ready.

  4. OMG, there is a light outside and I see shadows. Could the sun be returning after days of clouds and drizzle?

  5. We are starting with some guests from Richland Center! What fun! I love kids at this age. Still kids, but old enough to converse!

  6. for a Monday, today really did suck
