Thursday, December 11, 2014

Open Blog - Thursday

I'm not awake, either.


  1. my days are a blur, can't seem to remember what day I'm on

  2. Same here. More of the same today. Busy day. I see the vampire, car gets its fluids tampered with and more legal crap.

    The upside is Mr. D seems to be recovering from his setback. Yay.

  3. Glad to hear that Mr. D. is feeling a little better.

    I just came back from x-mas shopping and wouldn't you know... they charged me for an extra item. I get to do the return trip tomorrow with the slip and items in hand, instead of (or in addition to) the store I intended to browse tomorrow. Grrrr. Ain't nobody got time for that!

  4. kk- I hate when they do that but what is worse is when you pay for something and they do not put it in your bag.

    Happy to hear Mr. D is doing better.

  5. Had to do a fasting blood test today; nothing to eat or drink...ha ha ha I drank some of my coffee on the way to the hospital lab.

  6. Beejay, you been riding him to hard????

  7. SER, lol. He is getting cranky about this leg thing! Oh boy.
