Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Open Blog - Wednesday

Happy Half-Assed Day!


  1. good morning, one and all
    this week is flying by, soon will be making Christmas cookies and Christmas will have come and gone, we need to slow time down!

  2. Good Morning everyone. LM - you wear me out. I wish I had your energy.

  3. OKIE- I am starting my Christmas Cookies today and hopefully have them all done in time for Christmas so I can deliver Daddy Orbs his.

    Between going and getting pictures of Christmas decorations and making cookies I will need a vacation after Christmas. This weekend we are going out to Candy Cane Lane to get some pictures too.

  4. Good early evening.... ( I feel like Alfred Hitchcock) Halfway of half-assing would make us only 1/4 of the way done. No thank you.

    The tree is up and decorated. No shopping done. No cookies baked. I need a wife to come do my bidding. I am so far behind. Just too tuckered out after a long day at the office.
