Saturday, December 6, 2014

Open Blog - Weekend

Jump for joy!


  1. Morning all. Tree goes up today. Why is this always such a mess? Oh well...we will see how it goes.

  2. Two weeks ago I bought an active wear top and pants. We know how I love my elastic on the weekends. Went to put it on today and as I was walking I realized something strange was banging on me. The security strip. How I got out of Academy without it going off is beyond me. So now my clothes are changed and guess where I'm off to?

    Have a great day Irregulars. It's a foggy one here.

  3. I'm still in bed. Must be trying to catch up on lost sleep. Told you it was an exhausting week.

    Lost my ID and keys and every time I turned around there was frustration. Someone is testing me... for sure.

    Mary, that happened to me once, too, with a purse. The cashier told me that if you try to remove them yourself, there is ink inside that ruins the product.

    Should be tree putting up weekend for me, too. We'll see. It might be staring at the wall weekend instead. First I'll try coffee.

  4. I wore myself out yesterday (went on a cooking bender) and didn't physically get up til 10:30. I woke at 4:30 with a vicious headache, got up, took 4 advil, sat with a heating pad and my TENS for a bit, back to bed and that was it. Duller headache when I finally got up, so more advil are on their way.

  5. Tree is up. Father Christmases have it surrounded. Have to pick up some candy canes to finish it off and one new ornament. I get at least one a year. I had two losses this year. Butter fingers!

    I do a memory tree. Each ornament means something to me. Today I told Dan that all the years my mother-in-law lived with me,she never bought me an ornament. My mom bought me one each year she lived here. Funny how my MIL never caught on that was a simple gift that I would treasure.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will continue to the second and third trees. One has just lights (poolside); the other, lights and scattered bulbs.

  6. Tree is up. It is still bare. I'm afraid to plug in the lights to test them. Maybe tomorrow. I've used up my spare sets. It will be a Target or Wally World run (with grumpiness) if they all don't light.

  7. Uh oh. I have a pre-lit tree. This one works fine. My first one lasted ONE year. The adage "you get what you pay for" came into play.

  8. Beejay- I have done the same thing with my kids ever since their first Christmas and now they do the same for me a Christmas ornament every Christmas. I think that is the best way to decorate a tree with all the memories from each ornament.

    kk- I have a couple of lights out with the one going around the kitchen counter and I am just leaving it up. You really can't tell the two lights are out unless you are looking for it.

    LM- I hope you feel better soon.

  9. There's a tree up in the lobby here, but that's it. Last year (different owners), there was a tree stuck into every corner.

    The lobby tree has the old-fashioned bulb lights that I like.

    I literally slept the day away. Something's wrong. I'm always tired and weak. My "numbers" are within range for me, with slight anemia and kidney disease.

    I have no appetite. The last guy I heard this from eventually ended up with jaw cancer. He died from it. He said, "That's why I was tired all the time. My body was fighting the cancer, but nobody knew it."

  10. Orbs, are you getting a B12 shot monthly? The tiredness that my MIL used to get was basically from her anemia. The shot did help. The hematologist also had her take a dissolving b12 pill daily. Walmart, Walgreens etc have them. Sublingual b12. Can't hurt and may help.

  11. I take a B Complex pill every day and I get it at Walmart for a good price. I will tell you it does give me the energy I didn't have in a long time. I a blood test done to checked for my Vitamin B and it was really low and now it is coming back up to were it is suppose to be. Daddy Orbs please have yours checked.

  12. My tree is up, took a couple minutes; just carry it up from the basement and plug it in

  13. THB, try the sublingual ones. More of the B12 gets into your system by absorption than the one that goes through your digestive system.
