Monday, January 5, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Bundle up...  and may your car battery catch on the first turn of the key. 


  1. I already have on 2 pair of socks, wore them all night. Not looking forward to going outside, stay warm and safe, everybody!

  2. No comment...however, I will not need a coat or jacket today.

  3. We hit 40 today and then by Wednesday, highs in the 20's with a north wind. Brrr.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  4. -5 when i got up at 6 and wind chill was down to -23.

    Too dangerous out there today, be careful

  5. When I was up at 4am with Drew the news said it was -7 degrees and the wind chill was -30 degrees.

    Went to get my daughter in Oshkosh yesterday, that is where I met my son to pick her up. Yesterday morning I was not feeling right and on the way I figured out why, thank you so much Drew yes I am down sick now. I am not coughing it is a real bad head cold and my sinuses are hurting.

  6. I hope you feel better soon THB.

    The only good thing about the cold weather is Dallas has to play in Green Bay on Sunday. I wonder if Jerry Jones will have Chris Christie to keep him warm, (snark).

  7. hope you feel better soon, THB :(
    I had a wicked headache all morning, made me feel sick to my stomach, I hope it's nothing more than a headache... this cold weather makes getting ready to go anywhere, take forever just to layer up... ready for spring!

  8. OKIE, Jerry must be a potential HUGH donor for Christie. I don't want to hex the Packers, but If that's the best Tony Romo has, the Cowboy's are In trouble. What a lousy game. Like the media Is saying, forget the flag pick up, 4th and one, and Detroit didn't go for It?

  9. OKIE, That should have been HUGE. When we first moved here, a big sign was posted by the grocery store pointing to a HUGH RUMMAGE SALE, and I laughed my ass off. NOW I DID IT. LOL

  10. It's still too damn cold for me

  11. I had to take a blood test, so i went out (2 degrees) and stopped at the store on my way back.

    The results of the blood test for a potassium level is what I want. I was promised they would call as soon as they had the results. It's 9:30 PM, and I've heard nothing.

    THB I'm so sorry you're sick. I've been to a number of clinics and the hospital in the last week. Everywhere people are coughing, sneezing, and sniffling.

    Who set the weather switch to "Winter?"

  12. I survived the day back at work. I' have the runny nose, sinus headache thing now pretty bad, and a chapped nose from blowing. I just had a nasty cold... thought it was on its way out, then this reared its ugly head.

    My car started with only a little hesitation after sitting outside in the wind for 8 hours. Thank goodness I have a new battery. It was stinking cold out there!
