Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Open Blog - Wednesday

I sleep til Thursday.


  1. I thought of Drew on Monday. As we pulled out of the Dr.'s office, I saw our 'History Park' bald eagle circling. So beautiful.

    Living in Florida, we see so many examples of wildlife. In the month of January, I think they have found four DEAD FL panthers in the southwestern part of the state. Since we all thought there numbers were down, this is terrible news.

    Have a great day fellow JTIs.

  2. We are enjoying our last day of lovely weather.

    This morning I don't know if they showed all of it or a condensed version, but we got to see the Budweiser Commercial with the puppy and horses. It was sad/happy and too cute.

    Beejay - what is killing them?

  3. I'm actually considering leaving the house to go to the grocery store. Agoraphobia really sucks. Mon. and Tues. I was also tempted, but never did.

  4. Okie, cars! It isn't unusual to see panthers on Alligator Alley. That's the road that cuts through the Everglades from Naples to Miami.

    You can actually see gators on the banks of the waterways from your moving car when you drive east to west on that road. Osprey, Eagles, etc are all there in numbers. Snakes, too!

  5. I assume that a panther would cause as much damage to a car as a deer. You got everything in Florida.

  6. Finally back from vacation and getting caught up after a hectic staff retreat last week.

  7. Well, my Wednesday wasn't as peaceful as this little carpet crawler had it. My day was work-y.
