Saturday, January 10, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Don't tell the weekdays.


  1. The weekdays already know how I feel. Hello weekend, my love!

  2. I have been up since 4am Drew has to work the whole weekend again. I guess this makes up for the two days he missed being sick. But I hate to tell his boss this does not help me get better. I took him to work I have to get some errands done today. I really do not like to go out in the cold if I do not have to.

    Daddy Orbs I hope you feel better soon. Looks like I may need to make another pot of homemade soup to get everyone better.

  3. Ah, Saturday and believe it or not, I have nothing to do. I think I will go and pay money to get my car washed. It's too cold for me to do it and it's been too long since it was clean.

    Get those errands done quick and get home to rest THB.

    Orbs - I hope you are feeling better as well.

  4. I just couldn't bring myself to get up early, since I don't have to today. I woke at 6, but the blankets held me hostage, eyes opened at 7, my pillow seems to have a magnetic grip on me, finally by 10, all were ready to let me go. I could really get into this sleep thing!
    Drew, THB and Orbs, I hope you're all starting to feel better!

  5. I guess I don't care what day of the week it is...JUST WARM UP....

  6. We went to a car show in Punta Gorda. Wowzie...beautiful vehicles! Had a nice we are relaxing!

  7. My cold has kept me down all day. Cough, sneeze, blow my nose, repeat ten thousand times. I feel like shit.

  8. The doctors have me on a water pill, but I have no idea why. Anything that washes through the body is going to wash away potassium. With this cold, I think more fluids have left my body by my nose than by my wee-wee.

  9. Just popping in to say HI to everyone.
    I know I haven't been around much, but I do check in at least once a day.
    Miss you all... stay warm and safe this winter.

    So really.. you just check the box and it determines you are not a robot because you checked it?
