Monday, January 26, 2015

Things You Can't Take Back can't take back underwear.

And you can't take back what comes out of your mouth. REMEBER, put brain in gear before mouth in motion.


  1. You can't sell underwear at a yard sale either, but they DO here.

  2. I've returned underwear. (in the package, of course) What regulates that you can't sell it at a rummage sale? I do believe I've seen it for sale at Goodwill and at rummage sales, too. Shoes are another thing you shouldn't buy second hand. Ick.

  3. KK, I have no idea where It came from, but that Is what I heard. I thought It was banned at thrift stores also? I surly wouldn't want any, and I CAN'T imagine guy's wanting to buy woman's undies?

  4. I can't believe they allow women to try a bra on, and put It back In the box, after they had It on their sweaty boobs? My wife has actually gotten OLD bras In the box, instead of new. What a way to steal. Back to undies. Good thing they don't come In boxes.

  5. kk, I agree with you about 2nd hand underwear and shoes. I used to buy all of my jeans, pants, shorts, and some tops, from Value Village and Goodwill. Now the fear of bedbugs keeps me out

  6. Some people prefer to go commando. I just can't imagine nothing being between me and my Calvin Kleins. Ewe. My poor........

  7. From the receipt of some prescription drugs I picked up:

    "Receipt required for all returns. Eligible returns accepted within 30 days. Wisconsin Law prohibits the return of prescriptions. Certain personal care products such as bathroom items, sterile wound-care, catheters, stockings, ostomy & syringes are not returnable. Clearance items & custom orders are not eligible for return."

    Damn, I was gonna shoot up some heroin and then try to exchange my used syringe for a new one.
