Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Just a little reminder

Everyone should carry a Winter Survival Kit in their car. In an emergency, it could save your life and the lives of your passengers. Here is what you need:
  • a shovel
  • windshield scraper and small broom
  • flashlight with extra batteries
  • battery powered radio
  • water
  • snack food including energy bars
  • raisins and mini candy bars
  • matches and small candles
  • extra hats, socks and mittens
  • First aid kit with pocket knife
  • Necessary medications
  • blankets or sleeping bag
  • tow chain or rope
  • road salt, sand, or cat litter for traction
  • booster cables
  • emergency flares and reflectors
  • fluorescent distress flag and whistle to attract attention
  • Cell phone adapter to plug into lighter
Taken from Read Wisconsin

I need all you Irregular people to AWAYS come/get home safe.



  1. I have the charger capabilities but no cord in there. That being said, when we get that much snow, I don't go anywhere.

    This is very good information SER.

  2. Windshield Scraper, and perhaps a phone adapter? The food, I will have to pick the pcs. that fell on the floor, and dehydrated. Since my shoes alway's seem to have salt on them, the snow should melt from them. Put another way, I'm screwed, but we have each other.

  3. I have no snow! I have no ice storms.

  4. All that stuff would fill the bed of my truck.

    I'm like OKIE: if it's that bad out there, I'm not going.

  5. If you're from Wisconsin, just make sure you change from your sandals to hard soled shoes.

    Last time it was bitterly cold and butt deep, blowing snow, they waited until 4:45 am to close schools. What was worse was they did an all-call to homes at 5:07 am. Many parents (and employees) were jarred awake in the dark, thinking that someone was in jail or dead. Hope they can make up their minds sooner this time if the temp dips too low.
