Friday, February 13, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

You don't believe in that stuff, do you?


  1. nope, but I can tell you when there is a full moon without even seeing it...

  2. My mind doesn't believe, but my gut feeling often disagrees.

  3. Friday the 13th and we have temps in the 60's today. In the 70's tomorrow.

    Snow for Sunday. It's a roller coaster ride again.

    Have a great day Irregulars. It's FRIDAY!!!!!

  4. Well things did not go as planned for us this weekend. We were suppose to be on are way up north to spend the weekend with Drew's family. Then yesterday twenty minutes before Drew got off of work the bosses said no one is going to have the weekend off they all have to work today and tomorrow. Drew was so mad when he came to the car and told me this. So now are plans are to go up there next weekend and the boss told Drew no matter what you have next weekend off. Let them go back on it this time and they are not going to like to deal with me then.

    I don't even pay attention to the day. It is like yesterday was my Friday the 13th instead of today.

    I hope everyone enjoys there weekend.

  5. I forgot to tell everyone I got to see my partner in crime at here work yesterday. We even pulled a fast one on Drew because she answered my phone when he called me. To make it even better he called her sweetie and we were laughing so hard about it. LM I hope that made your day too.

  6. Yes I do, and can't ever wait for the day to end.

  7. I try not to, but I cringe when I see it coincide. Today went okay. My plan was to take it easy at work.... that really didn't happen. Inbox is still full. BUt, it is Friday, time for a glass of wine.

  8. Friday the 13th is bringing frigid weather to us this weekend.
