Friday, February 20, 2015

Open Blog - Friday

Go nuts!


  1. Top of the morning, folks. Hope you have a good day.

  2. I feel a little squirrelly today. Could it be because it's FRIDAY!!!

    We are not near as cold as you guys but next week back in the 20's. I keep thinking Spring is just weeks away but last night the weatherman said we have a long few weeks ahead of us. Sigh.

    Have a great day Irregulars.

  3. It's so cold, and for sooooooo long, the toilet water pipe froze. The clever plumbers 150 years ago, decided to put the pipe through the stone foundation, and up. Of course the stones are NOT heated, but I would think flushing fairly often would eliminate the problem, but I guess we didn't use It enough last night? Pain In the ass. If It doesn't thaw, I'll go outside with the rest of the animals. Now THAT'S Irregular.

  4. If you get a break in the clouds, look west after sunset for a beautiful grouping of the crescent Moon, Venus and Mars.

  5. And from the "is it me?" Category.

    I was watching a tv show (I think Tonight show or Late Night) and Angie Harmon was on. Then I watched Project Runway Allstars with Alyssa Milano. Both women had skirts on that barely covered their bottoms. And I mean barely. Both crossed their legs and one more half and inch and I would have seen their you know whats. In fact Angie was on another show and the same thing. Do these women not sit down in an outfit before they go on national tv? The thighs were completely bare and I can't imagine they didn't realize it.

    Is it me? Am I getting old and judgemental or do certain ladies need to look in the mirror a little more?

  6. F-R-I....D-A-Y!

    I think we are getting old, Okie. I've noticed myself tsking when watching young ladies cross their legs on The Tonight Show. As my dad would have said, "you can see all the way to Timbuktu."

    What is sad is that no one tells young ladies nowadays that keeping a little bit a secret, and letting a man use his imagination is far more interesting and enticing.

  7. "You can see all the way to Timbuktu," and quite a bit more on the internet.
