Monday, February 23, 2015

Open Blog - Monday

Is he listening for dogsleds?


  1. We made it back home from up north. Friday and Saturday we visited with Drew's family and we had a great time with them. We did not get to see them for the holidays. Then Sunday on the way home we stopped in Shawano and had lunch with my son and the grankids that was great too. When our grandson seen Grandpa he went crazy just wanting Grandpa like always and by our surprise my son bought us lunch. Then when we got into Appleton we visited with my older daughter and we had a great time with her too. She was having fun picking on Drew's son and he enjoyed that too. They were picking on each other. We all just had a great weekend visiting with everyone. My mom was suppose to meet us in Shawano but she did not make it.

    We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend too.

  2. Last Monday we had ice, today it is snow. Not too bad though. I keep thing one week from today it will be March, which is always hopeful.

    Stay warm Irregulars.

  3. THB, I'm glad that you and drew had a good time. You deserved it.

    My senior moment (or the onset of Alzheimer's) yesterday: got all the way to the store before I realized I didn't have my dentures in.

  4. It was a very good day today. Put myself first for a change. More days like that would be greatly appreciated.
