Saturday, February 14, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend

Won't you be my Valentine?


  1. sorry don't believe in valentines day.....

    just another hallmark day

    but ya'll have a good day

  2. I don't see anything wrong in picking a day to tell someone how special they are to you. Happy Valentine's Day to all my Irregular friends! <3

    "Though it is often claimed to be a holiday made up by the popular greeting card company, Hallmark didn’t produce its first Valentine’s Day card until 1913. This is literally centuries after the first declaration of the official holiday in 1537."

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. Drew and I are going to go out in the cold and have a nice dinner tonight.

  4. Happy Valentines Day Everyone. We decided to go out last night and ended up bringing home ribs as everyone else had the same idea. They were lined up outside the restaurant and the parking lot was full.

    The ribs were great.

  5. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! We went out yesterday for lunch, Okie. We arrived as the restaurant opened and had no issue. Place was full when we left.

    Tonight we are making comfort food..corned beef and cabbage. Lol.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day night to all Irregulars.

  7. It was 80 yesterday and glorious. Today we are under a Winter Weather Advisory. Freezing rain is on the way. From ah to brr in a span of 24 hours.
