Saturday, February 21, 2015

Open Blog - Weekend



  1. Up and at 'em! Have a great one.

  2. I second that! Have a good day everyone. I am in search of Girl Scout Cookies today.

  3. Did you see the news video of the 2 girl scouts using a sled and knocking on fish shanty doors to sell cookies? Brilliant entrepreneurs! The fishermen couldn't get their dollars out fast enough. One of those stories that makes you smile.

    Stay warm out there, guys. It's a heat wave. 20 degrees.

  4. OKIE, Go to Walmart, you can't avoid them when entering. LOL

  5. KK, I only like ICE in my drinks. I have never trusted ICE, since I was little, and walked on a pond, and It crackled all the time I was on It. TRYING to ice skate on the River was never a problem, because the water was only a little over a foot deep, In the winter. NEVER skated In Spring. I will never forget when the little Freres girl drowned by Colonial park In the early 60s. Actually I don't remember If one or two drowned?

  6. I'm checking in late. My life is a mess. Then again, an insane person's life should be a mess, right?

  7. I have been redeemed. Last night we put potatoes in the oven but when we went to get them, the oven was off. Since I have been known to do things like accidentally turning the oven off, the blame was shifted (humorously) to me. I have to admit it bothered me.
    Tonight he turned the oven on and when I went to put the chicken in, it was no longer on, but was humming like it was in clean mode.

    The good news, I've been redeemed. Bad news is we have a broken oven.

  8. Oh, I did get the Girl Scout cookies. They were $4.00 a box but I don't care because they are so good.
